I wish to have a shopping spree




Princess Piper and Wish Volunteers

Meet Princess Piper

Meet wish kid Piper, a 6-year-old girl from Gastonia, fighting leukemia. This gregarious little girl doesn’t let cancer slow her down, she loves to sing and dance and playing dress-up is her favorite activity. Piper loves clothes, shoes, and accessorizing. She always dresses as a princess when she goes for her chemo treatments. The medical team call her “Princess Piper” – and she loves it!

Piper adores princesses and Taylor Swift, but her greatest passion is fashion. Piper’s wish is to have a shopping spree. For her wish, Piper was joined by family and two wish volunteers who kicked things off with a fun makeover. Piper’s make-up complete, the group headed to the mall for her wish shopping spree. Piper’s surprise and excitement at being able to shop for whatever she wanted was palpable and those around her laughed with joy as they watched her excitement sink in and her little legs start moving – fast!

At each stop, Piper took in all the fashion and toys the stores had on display and was thrilled to make her own choices. She had a blast with Frances and Madelyn, her wish volunteers, and wants them to “go shopping with me every time.” Wish mom Ashley shared that Piper had never been to a mall. “This was her first time! She had the time of her life!"

Following the wish adventure, Ashley said Piper “spends her free time playing with all her toys she received, including her Jeep Power Wheels car!” In her car, Piper likes to challenge family members to race. Most importantly, “The wish energized her. It's amazing how a child lights up when the word "no" isn't in the vocabulary for one day!” said Ashley.

Wishes like Piper’s are made possible by your continued support. Join us by donating your money, time, or resources. Wishes need you!

Watch Piper’s “I survived” video as she rings the bell following her last chemotherapy treatment.

Princess Piper
Wish Kid Piper