A dedication to making dreams come true
He is a true champion of wishes, who helps further the Make-A-Wish Oregon mission through his work as a volunteer wish granter, and his generosity as a longstanding donor.
”When reflecting on what has been most memorable in my life, some of the most indelible memories were those where I was able to help other people in some way,” said Rick.
“So, out of gratitude, having been affected by the personal tragedy of the loss of life, and because I consider life precious, I want to help our most vulnerable people in Oregon, kiddos with serious life-threatening conditions, on a level more intimate than donating money," said Rick Kim.
To build on his mission of making a dreams come true, in 2020 Rick took on the Trailblaze Challenge. The Trailblaze Challenge is a 26.3-mile one day hike through Silver Falls State Park, in the name of wishes.
“During the hike, I was thinking about all of my wish kids. We were all there for the kids. The joy on a kiddo’s face and the pure love among family and friends that is palpable to all makes each wish special and rewarding in its own way,”he added.
“Seeing the happiness and joy on a child’s face brings me joy, it makes me thankful that Make-A-Wish is here for these kiddos, and fills me with gratitude that I was able to help in some small way. This Ralph Waldo Emerson quote is appropriate for what wish granters do: 'You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”